Show your credibility. Learn how to use Canva to create a strategic and interactive portfolio that gets you hired.

Learn how Alicia has created and used her portfolio to get hired at CBC, Lululemon and more.

If you want to find work with clients, at an agency or even land employment…

You need a portfolio. Welcome to Portfolio Magic.

You’re a multi-passionate freelancer, creative entrepreneur or career-seeker looking to land more opportunities, in media, marketing and communications.

But - Your hard work is spread out across socials, handover documents, Google drive 💻 and the dusty servers of past jobs or computer folders you’ve forgotten about. You’re ready to organize your work.

Or you have a website or social media portfolio that you’re not sure is really working for you. Does it have the right approach? Does it include the right information that really sells your value? Your ready to have a link of work examples that showcase your brilliance.

Or you’re just starting out and * feel * like you don’t have anything to share (you do!) and you’re scared of missing out on opportunities to others in your niche that do have their marketing toolkit put together. You’re ready to transform your experience into something other’s want.

Is this you?.

Make it stand out.

You’re ready to make a winning and strategic portfolio that helps potential clients go from thinking “maybe the shoe fits” to “call them in!”.

With so many options for people to hire these days, you’re not concerned because you’ve got a stand-out portfolio that sells your uniqueness, skill and priceless ideas.

Sell your brilliance in a strategic thinking portfolio that is beautiful and easily understood for your clients, connections or dream boss.

Your host: Alicia Bernbaum

Hi, I’m Alicia. I’ve been building and using my portfolio to establish credibility, land opportunities and advocate for myself since 2011. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with brands like Lululemon, CBC Vancouver, BC Ale Trail and Spring Advertising. All of these opportunities I’ve used my portfolio to help share what makes me brilliant. Now, I want to share what I’ve learned with you.

Michelle, a marketing consultant, went from being new to freelance work to landing a dream contract with her portfolio that established her credibility.

Kayla, a copywriter, went from struggling to find clients to landing several pitches because she built a strategic thinking piece that sold her specialty.

What's You'll Get ✨

What's You'll Get ✨

Editable portfolio template with all you need, like bippity-bopity-boo.

Made in Canva, this portfolio template has been crafted to make it easy for you to start building your soon-to-be 6-figure portfolio.

The four must-have ingredients every portfolio needs to help change people’s minds from “not sure the shoe fits” to “call them in.”

The four key ingredients every portfolio needs in order to be effective. Learn the techniques to quantify the success of your experiences.

It’s not just about a list of skills and services. It’s about highlighting your strategic thinking and ideas. That’s what sells.

Which type of portfolio is going to work best for you.

How to display and showcase work
while in the

We’ve all been in the “messy middle” - where you’re starting up your own thing while still doing work for others. We’ll discuss how to approach this and build out your portfolio of
employment and your own brand.

We’ll talk about…

Sharing portfolio’s on Canva, how to display video content in your portfolio as well as review my portfolio that’s helped me call in dreamy opportunities.

Portfolio Building Masterclass
Sale Price:CA$55.00 Original Price:CA$95.00
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